(MGS) Digital Trainer Certification Programme (Level 1) - 生產力學院
(MGS) Digital Trainer Certification Programme (Level 1)

    Only English Version is available.

    HR, learning & development (L&D) professionals and trainers are often confronted with the challenges in balancing employee engagement while minimising physical contact to effectively deliver a programme under the pandemic. This accelerates the trend of migration from face-to-face centric model to the adoption of blended learning, micro-learning and e-learning approaches. This programme aims to equip trainers and professionals with the knowledge, skills and tools to present professionally online.

    Key Takeaway:

    • Be confident to conduct seamless and secure virtual people development programmes
    • Acquire soft skills and hard skills to design and implement effective and engaging virtual and blended learning solutions
    • Understand the pros and cons of different programme formats: Face-to-face, virtual & hybrid programmes
    • Deliver effective training sessions via webinar or through video tutorials
    • Select and use visual aids to support training sessions

    Course Outline

    LevelTopicLocation/ Service
    1Understand the disruptive opportunities and technologies to offer next generation virtual L&D solutions

    • Link the systematic approach to training to the trainer’s role
    • Latest software and hardware solutions
    • Setup preparation
    • Select and use visual aids to support training sessions
    • Platforms for different scale of programmes
    • Identify solutions to difficult situations which may occur during training session
    1. Zoom

    2. HKPC Building classroom is available for group discussion

    3. Individual HKPC consultation session by appointment

    Date & Time:

    2 June 2022, 9am – 1pm


    Zoom webinar

    Course Fee:


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