FutureSkills in MarTech x Digital Customer Experience - HKPC Academy
FutureSkills in MarTech x Digital Customer Experience
HKPC Building 78 Tat Chee Avenue Kowloon
Ms LEE 2788-5754 | Ms YU 2788-5029

Programme Highlights

  • This workshop equips you not only the digital marketing tools, but also the data analytic skills that are essential to delivering superior digital customer interface and experience!
  • Whether you are tech or non-tech, you can join this programme to acquire the future skills in MarTech and improve your ROI!

Learning Outcomes

By taking this course, you will be able to

  • Understand the core of Digital Marketing under the New Normal (e.g. digital customer experience, customer journey analytics, different digital marketing tools, etc.)
  • Incorporate Customer Experience (CX) in your Digital Marketing plan
  • Learn how AI and Big Data incorporated in Customer journey analytics (CJA)
  • Understand how digital channels can be managed effectively
  • Improve your ROI through cost-effective digital customer journey
    *Participants will get a free copy of the book “Experience Wave” published by trainer, it is a book on experience design focusing on the branding, customer and employee.*

Course Fee – RTTP Approved

HK$4,500/ HK$4,050*
*Group discount for 2 or more: 10% discount off the original listed price

For RTTP applicants: HK$1,500# (Original price: HK$4,500)
#Maximum saving, with the final grant subjects to approval.

This course is an approved Reindustrialisation and Technology Training Programme (RTTP) with up to 2/3 course fee reimbursement upon successful applications. For details: https://rttp.vtc.edu.hk.


12 – 13 May 2022 (Thu & Fri)


09:30 – 17:00


Total 12 lecture hours


(supplemented by English and with English handouts)

Award of Certificate

A Certificate of Attendance will be awarded to participants who have attended 75% or above of the course.

Course Structure

1. Digital Marketing in the New Normal
  • Strategic shift in marketing mix – evolution from 4Ps to 4Es
  • Changing paradigms of media landscape in the new normal
    – from one-way to two-way to many-to-many to AR/VR
  • Key elements of good Customer Experience (CX) in the “phygital” space
  • Net Promoter Score – a simple, customized survey tool to measure the loyalty of customers to a company
  • Best practices & case studies, local and global
2. Digital Customer Journey Design with Latest Technologies
  • Guide to customer journey stages: Awareness, Engagement, Purchase
  • Steps to map the customer journey to maximize customer lifetime value (CLV)
  • Digital tools for customer journey mapping: from Post-it to Excel to online software
  • Embracing AI and Big Data in Customer Journey Analytics (CJA)
    – to assess and predict customer behavior across online and offline channels
  • The importance of A/B testing
  • Exercise – Draft your digital customer journey
3. Awareness
Helping customers find products and services when they are aware of their needs in relation to the company’s offerings

  • Search marketing agorithms: keyword strategy, search ad copy marketing, keyword campaign optimization, bidding strategy
  • Digital out-of-home: programmatic marketing, digital kiosks, interactive displays
  • Print ads with QR code: visual design based on brand identity, infographics, UTM tracking
  • Banner: static banners, animated GIF, ad formats, ad sizes, mobile responsive
4. Engagement
Interacting with customers across their preferred digital channels to build and strengthen customer relationships

  • Website: Website design trend, Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO), Google Analytics
  • Email marketing: email subject line design, email frequency, call-to-action (CTA) strategy, remarketing, unsubscription management, privacy management
  • Webinar marketing: topic design, registration management, hosting platform, webinar format, strategy on date, time and length
  • Influencer marketing: influencer type, selection criteria, influencer marketing communication, virtual influencer, influencer efficiency, relationships with influencers
  • Video marketing
  • Social media: content marketing, advertising on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn
5. Purchasing Habit
Delivering consistent great digital experience across channels as RTB

  • Ecommerce: the rise of social ecommerce, 3 most important metrics – CR, AOV, RPV, customer journey design, ecommerce analytics
  • APP marketing: operating system, ASO, PR strategy, APP reviews, ratings & user feedback management
  • Chatbot: conversational marketing, chatbots for customer service, chatbots for sales, chatbots for FAQ, what not to do in chatbot marketing
  • Word-of-mouth marketing: storytelling, user generated content (UGC), customer generated content (CGC), viral marketing
  • Loyalty program: from loyalty to advocacy, 4 key types – point-based loyalty, tiered loyalty, paid loyalty, value loyalty, RFM analysis
  • Exercise – Incorporate CX in your digital marketing campaign
6. WeChat Marketing
  • Digital customer journey design in China
  • WeChat: Official Account including Service Account (服務號) & Subscription Account (訂閱號), Branded Individual Account, red packet marketing, WeChat Group, WeChat Moments
    (朋友圈), WeChat advertising, WeChat Channels (視頻號), Mini Program (小程序)
  • WeCom (企業號)
7. Digital Campaign Design
  • Goal setting based on pain points & sweet spots
  • Channel selection, management, and analytics
  • Promotion models – freemium, subscription revenue model, affiliate revenue model
  • Marketing triggers – what prompts customers to perform conversion actions and make purchases
  • Marketing budget allocation
  • In-house vs agency marketing
8. MarTech – Next Normal in Marketing
  • Digital transformation
  • Marketing stack
  • CRM vs CDP
  • Marketing automation
  • Return on Experience (ROE) is the new ROI


Daryl CHOY has extensive experience in providing strategic marketing consultancy to large corporations in Hong Kong and China. He has over 20 years of training experience. His core competences are digital marketing, customer experience, corporate strategy and employee development.

  • Brand Building and Marketing Committee Member of China Association of National Advertisers
  • Professional Committee of Shenzhen User Experience Association
  • Founding Circle Member of World Experience Organization
  • Author of Experience Wave

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