Art of Storytelling in Business Presentations Module 2 - 生产力学院
Art of Storytelling in Business Presentations Module 2
刘先生 - 2788 5668 | 余小姐 - 2788 5327


Course Detail

The ability to give an effective presentation in the workplace is a crucial skill that every employee should possess. Effective delivery and presence can help get a message across and influence an audience in memorable ways, as well as equipping presenters with a confidence that persists in every aspect of their work.

Intended Learning Outcomes

  • Transform normal presentations into stories to make our communication more effective
  • Develop clear and concise messages to gain stakeholder buy-in
  • Deliver impactful presentations with confidence to better engage and captivate our audiences

Programme Contents

    • Building Context:
      Using relevant background and contrast to create “wow” moments for our information
    • Action Titles:
      Developing story titles for each piece of information to focus on key messages
    • Creating a “Storyboard”:
      How to use storyboard techniques to plan a coherent and tight story
    • Visual Storytelling:
      How to use graphs and other visual elements to enhance audience engagement
    • Presentation Practice:
      Groups to develop real-life decks using the techniques covered and trainer’s feedback

Course Outline

Please download the pamphlet for details.


Mr. Gary Lo – TEDx Speaker and seasoned trainer with extensive corporate experience

He spent most of his career working at some of the most admired Fortune 500 companies including LVMH, Apple Inc., Unilever, GlaxoSmithKline and Nestle, with a scope covering the Greater China & APAC region. He was the former Head of Marketing & Admissions for the HKUST MBA Programs, and now serves as a Guest Lecturer for the HKU SPACE Institute for China Business and Nielsen University.

Date & Time

19 January 2023, 14:30-17:30


HKPC Building, 78 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong (Face-to-face)
*HKPC reserves the right to change mode of instruction (hybrid / online model) at any time with prior notice

Course Fee

HK$ 2,000

Medium of Instruction

Cantonese supplemented with English |Teaching note in English

Download Full Course Detail